Topics to cover for AMC MCQ

Important Topics for the AMC Part 1 MCQ CAT


1. Abnormal blood film

a) Peripheral blood film (red cell, white cell and platelets)

b) Differential white cell count

c) Pancytopenia

d) Bone marrow failure

e) ESR

f) Hyperviscosity syndrome

g) Spleen and splenectomy

2. Haematological malignancies and myeloproliferative disorders

a) Leukaemia

b) Myeloma

c) Paraproteinemia

d) Amyloidosis

e) Anaemias (iron deficiency anemia, anemia of chronic disease, macrocytic anemia, B12 deficiency and pernicious anemia)

f) Leukemias

g) Myeloma

h) Amyloidosis

i) Thalassemias

j) Sickle cell anemia, Hodgkin lymphoma

k) Non-hodgkin lymphoma

3. Bruising/ bleeding/ purpura

a) Intrinsic and extrinsic pathways (clotting)

b) Any cause including

c) Bleeding disorder

d) Anticoagulants

e) Thrombophilia

4. Immunosuppressive drugs

5. Inherited bleeding disorders Anaemia of any cause

a) Iron deficiency anaemia

b) Refractory anaemia

c) Anaemia of chronic disease

d) Sideroblastic anaemia

e) Macrocytic anaemia (all causes)

f) Pernicious anaemia

g) Haemolytic anaemia

h) Sickle cell anaemia

i) Thalassaemia anaemia

j) Transfusion (safety & procedures)

k) (Myeloproliferative disorders)

6. Generalised enlarged lymph nodes: any cause BREAST LUMP AND/OR PAIN

1. Cancer

2. Infection

a) abscess; b) puerperal mastitis

3. Benign

a) fibro-adenoma; b) fibro-adenosis; c) fat necrosis; cysts)

4. Nipple Important

a) discharge; b) inversion; c) Paget’s

5. Request for reduction/augmentation


1. Chest Pain

a) Acute myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndrome and angina

b) Acute myocardial infarction (MI)

c) Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)

d) Angina pectoris

e) Electrocardiogram (ECG) – normal and abnormal

f) Investigations (cardiac catheterisation; echocardiography; nuclear cardiology; ECG: exercise/ ambulatory)

g) Complications of MI (arrhythmias; hypertension)

h) Atherosclerosis

2. Heart Murmur: any cause

3. Angina

4. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)

5. Complications of MI

6. Arrhythmias, narrow and broad complex tachycardias, atrial fibrillation

7. Hypertension, Heart failure

8. Valve diseases

9. Infective endocarditis, Rheumatic fever

10. Pericardial diseases

11. Congenital heart diseases

12. Hypertension: all, including risk fator

13. Palpitations

a) Bradycardia

b) Narrow complex tachycardia

c) Atrial fibrillation and flutter

d) Broad complex tachycardia

e) Pacemakers

14. Peripheral arterial disease

a) Aneurisms

b) Ischaemic limb

c) Occlusions

15. Peripheral oedema and Heart failure including valvular heart disorder and rheumatic heart disease a) Rheumatic fever

b) Mitral valve disease

c) Aortic valve disease

d) Right heart valve disease

e) Indications for cardiac surgery

f) Infective endocarditis

g) Diseases of heart muscle including myocarditis

h) Pericardial disease

i) Dyspnoea in heart failure

16. Peripheral Venous problems

a) VTE

b) DVT

c) Risk Factors

d) Varicose Veins


1. Congenital Abnormalities

a) Ventricular septal defect

b) Atrial septal defect

c) Patent ductus arteriosus

d) Aortic stenosis

e) Pulmonary stenosis

f) Coarctation of the aorta

g) Fallot’s tetralogy

h) Transposition of the great arteries

i) Tricuspid atresia

j) Total anomalous pulmonary venous return

k) Persistent truncus arteriosus

l) Hypoplastic left heart

m) Pulmonary atresia

n) Ebstein’s anomaly

o) Polycystic kidneys

p) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

q) Chromosomal abnormalities (including Turner’s; Down’s; TaySachs’)

r) Inherited conditions (cystic fibrosis; PKU)

s) Acquired conditions (including caused by drugs/alcohol)

t) Neural tube defects (including spina bifida)

u) Developmental abnormalities of the musculoskeletal system (including talipes)

2. Developmental Delay/ Failure to thrive

a) Endocrine problems/ Metabolic disorders

b) Malabsorption (see also underDigestive)

c) Inadequate diet

3. Psychological and Social

a) Non-accidental injury

b) Sexual abuse

c) Emotional deprivation

d) Bullying

e) Manifestations of neglect

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1. Abdominal Mass

a) Organomegaly b) Hernias c) Ascites

2. Abdominal Pain

a) Perforation

b) Obstruction

c) Ischaemia

d) Aneurysm (see also under Cardiovascular/ Peripheral arterial disease)

e) Inflammatory conditions (including diverticulitis; appendicitis, pancreatitis)

f) Colic: ureteric (see also under Renal), Biliary/ gallbladder (see also under Jaundice)

3. Anorexia and weight loss

a) Cancer

b) Metabolic causes including diabetes (see under Endocrine/ Abnormal blood sugar);

c) thyroid (see under Endocrine/ Thyroid abnormalities)

d) Malabsorption

e) Physical causes of anorexia

f) Psychological causes of anorexia (see also under Mental health/ Eating problems

4. Facial Swelling

a) Cancer

b) Sinusitis

c) Salivary glands

d) Teeth

e) Oral cavity

f) Lymph nodes (see also under Blood and lymph)

5. Jaundice

a) Pre-hepatic (including haemolysis)

b) Hepatic (including drug-induced)

c) Post-hepatic (including biliary obstruction)

6. Lower GI Problems

a) Including faecal incontinence

b) Spurious diarrhoea and encopresis

c) Cancer

d) Ulceration

e) Bleeding

f) Abnormal anatomy (fissures, piles, prolapse)

g) Masses (including polyps)

h) Altered bowel habit (constipation, diarrhoea)

i) Rectal pain

j) Pruritis ani

k) Inflammation (including IBD)

7. Upper GI Problems

a) Including nausea and vomiting

b) Infections (including food poisoning, UTI, gastroenteritis)

c) Pyloric stenosis (see also under Developmental)

d) Drug-induced

e) Raised intracranial pressure

f) Pregnancy (see also under Reproductive)

g) Constipation

h) Cancer

i) Ulceration


k) Bleeding

l) Dysphagia (including tumours; benign; neurological causes; congenital; acquired)

8. Nutrition

a) Recognises nutritional disorders are common in patients with long-term conditions

b) Performs basic nutritional screen and recognises patients with potential for nutritional deficiencies and considers this in planning care

c) Formulates a plan for investigation and management of weight loss or weight gain

d) Demonstrates the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours to assess patients’ basic nutritional requirements

e) Recognises major nutritional abnormalities and eating disorders and establishes a management plan, where relevant with other healthcare professional input

f) Works with other healthcare professionals in addressing nutritional needs and communicating these during care planning

g) Makes nutritional care part of daily practice

h) Considers the additional effects of long-term ill-health on nutritional status and the effect of poor nutrition on long-term health

i) Dyspepsia and peptic ulcer disease,

j) Constipation,

k) Cirrhosis

l) Haemochromatosis,

m) Primary biliary cirrhosis,

n) Primary sclerosing cholangitis,

o) Autoimmune hepatitis,

p) Ulcerative colitis and crohns disease and how to differentiate between the two,

q) IBS and associated red flags,

r) Coeliac disease,

s) Acute and chronic pancreatitis and how to differentiate between the two,

t) Alcoholism


1. Diabetes Mellitus

a) Type 1 diabetes

b) Type 2 diabetes

c) Complications (including diabetic retinopathy; neuropathy; arterialdisease)

d) Diabetic foot care

e) Hypoglycaemia/ hyperglycaemia

f) Patient with diabetes undergoing surgery

g) Diabetes in pregnancy (see also under Reproductive)

2. General

a) Hyperparathyroidism

b) Hypoparathyroidism

c) Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN 1 and MEN 2)

3. Adrenal

a) Adrenal gland

b) Addisonian crisis

c) Addison’s disease

d) Hyperaldosteronism

e) Phaeochromocytoma

f) Virilism

g) Gynaecomastia (see under Breast)

h) Impotence (see under Reproductive/ Fertility problems)

i) Cushing’s syndrome

4. Pituitary gland

a) Hypopituitarism

b) Pituitary tumours

c) Hyperprolactinaemia; hypoprolactinaemia

d) Acromegaly

e) Diabetes insipidus

f) Hypopituitary coma

5. Thyroid Disorders

a) Cancer

b) Hyperthyroidism

c) Thyroid eye disease

d) Hypothyroidism

e) Thyroid disease in pregnancy (see also under Reproductive/ Problems in pregnancy)

f) Goitre; nodules

g) Thyroid emergency


1. Earache any cause

a) Cancer

b) Infection

c) Eustachian tube dysfunction

2. Hearing Problems: any cause

a) Foreign body (including wax)

b) Conductive and nerve deafness

3. Hoarseness and stridor any cause

a) Cancer

b) Infection (including epiglottitis)

c) Voice misuse (including nodules)

d) Nerve injury (including palsies)

e) Stridor (see also under Thyroid abnormalities/ Goitre)

4. Nasal Symptons

a) Cancer

b) Bleeding

c) Nasal obstruction (including polyps; allergic rhinitis)

d) Infections

e) Trauma (including fractures)

5. Vertigo any cause

a) Ménières disease

b) Labyrinthitis

c) Cancer

d) Cerebellar lesions (see also under Neurological)

e) Benign positional

f) Toxins (including alcohol)


1. Eye Pain

a) Cancer

b) Sinusitis (see also under ENT)

c) Glaucoma

d) Migraine (see also under Neurological/ Headache

e) Foreign body

2. Orbital Swelling

a) Cancer

b) Infection (including cellulitis; blepharitis)

c) Thyroid disease (see under Endocrine)

d) Cysts: congenital and acquired

e) Eyelid Disorder

3. Red eye

a) Infection

b) Conjunctivitis

c) Iritis

d) Trauma (including foreign body)

e) Scleritis/ episcleritis

f) Glaucoma

g) Subconjunctival haemorrhage

h) Polycythaemia

4. Visual impairment

a) Tumours (including pituitary)

b) Arterial and venous

c) Lens (including cataract; dislocation)

d) Degenerative

e) Hereditary

f) Systemic conditions: including connective tissue; diabetes (see also under Endocrine)

g) Drug-induced

h) Infections

i) Detached retina

j) Vitreous haemorrhage (including floaters)


1. Uretrhal Discharge any cause

a) Infection (including STI)

b) Cancer

c) Foreign body

2. Vaginal Discharge any cause

a) Pruritis vulvae

b) Normal physiological

c) Cancer

d) Infection (including STI)

e) Foreign body

f) Child sexual abuse (see also under Developmental problems)


1. Acid-base imbalance and blood gas abnormalities

a) Metabolic and respiratory acidosis or alkalosis

b) Kidney function (tubular dysfunction, low GFR, chronic renal failure)

2. Electrolyte abnormalities

a) Sodium,

b) potassium,

c) glucose,

d) calcium


f) Magnesium

g) Zinc

h) Selenium

i) Water

j) Metabolic Bone Diseases


1. Hospital Acquired infection

a) Infection Control


c) C. diff

d) Manages sepsis

i) Understands the seriousness of sepsis

ii) Understands and applies the principles of managing a patient with sepsis

iii) Involves the infection control team at an appropriate early stage

iv) Takes appropriate microbiological specimens in a timely fashion

v) Follows local guidelines/protocols for antibiotic prescribing.

2. Serious infection

a) HIV


c) Hep B

d) Tb

3. Travel Medicine and Tropical infections: any cause

a) Malaria

b) Bilharzia

c) Dengue fever

d) Lyme disease

e) Toxoplasma

f) Rabies

g) Yellow fever

h) Viral hepatitis

i) HIV, complications of HIV infection including different infections that the AIDS pt is prone to at different CD4 counts, along with their symptomatology

j) Chlamydia vaginal discharge and urethritis,

k) Weil’s disease

l) Lyme disease

m) Relapsing fever

4. Viral Infections

a) Exanthemata

b) Mumps

c) Measles

d) Rubella

e) Herpes simplex

f) Herpes zoster

g) Viral meningitis

h) Influenza


1. Alcohol and drug misuse and dependence

a) Including co-morbidity and withdrawal

b) Substitution therapy

c) Acute intoxication

d) Harmful use

2. Anxiety

a) Including generalised anxiety disorder, phobias and OCD

b) Panic attack

c) Obsessive compulsive disorder

3. Deliberate self harm

a) Overdose, poisoning and other self-harm

b) Suicidal risk

4. Eating Problems

a) Anorexia

b) Bulimia nervosa

5. Learning and communication problems Any cause

a) Intellectual disability

b) Acquired brain injury

6. Medically-unexplained physical symptons

a) Including psychosomatic disorders,

b) somatisation disorders

7. Mood/ affective problems

a) Depressive disorders

b) Bipolar disorders

c) Suicidal risk

8. Organic Brain Syndrome

a) Delirium

b) Dementia

c) Encephalopathy

9. Personallity and behavioural disorders

a) Emotionally unstable personality disorder

b) Antisocial personality disorder

c) Pathological gambling

d) Pyromania

10. Psychosis

a) Schizoaffective disorder

b) Delusional disorders


1. Back and Neck

2. Connective tissue Disorders

3. Foor and Ankle

4. Hand and Wrist

5. Hip

6. Knee

7. Rheumatological problemas

a) Rheumatoid

b) Osteoarthrosis

c) Psoriatic

d) Lupus

e) Polymyalgia rheumatica

f) Gout

g) Rheumatoid arthritis

h) Calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate arthropathy

i) Ankylosing spondylitis

j) Reactive arthritis

k) Skin manifestations of systemic diseases,

l) Specific diseases and their skin manifestations

8. Upper limb

9. Skeletal

a) Disorders of calcium homeostasis (osteoporosis, osteomalacia, Paget’s)

b) Infections

c) Tumours (benign, malignant, secondaries)

d) Fractures of long bones

10. Fractures


1. Blackouts and Faints

a) Loss of consciousness of any cause

b) Vasovagal syncope

c) Cough syncope

d) Effort syncope

e) Micturition syncope

f) Carotid sinus syncope

g) Epilepsy

h) Stokes Adams attacks

i) Hypoglycaemia

j) Orthostatic hypotension

k) Drop attacks

2. Cranial Nerve Problems

a) Any cause including visual field defects

b) Multiple sclerosis (MS)

c) Space occupying lesions

d) Bell’s palsy

3. Falls

a) Complications including subdural, extradural

b) Any cause including environmental

c) Dizziness

d) Vertigo (benign positional vertigo)

e) Ménières disease

f) Ototoxicity

g) Vestibular nerve problems (Acoustic neuroma, vestibular neuronitis, herpes zoster, brain stem)

4. Headache

a) Any cause including environmental

b) Dizziness

c) Vertigo (benign positional vertigo)

d) Ménières disease

e) Ototoxicity

f) Vestibular nerve problems (Acoustic neuroma, vestibular neuronitis, herpes zoster, brain stem)

5. Movment Disorder including tremor and gait

a) Abnormalities of the motor nervous system

b) Chorea

c) Athetosis

d) Hemiballismus

e) Tics, myoclonus, dystonia and tardive dyskinesia

f) Parkinson’s disease

g) Parkinsonism

6. Peripheral nerve problem

a) Testing peripheral nerves

b) Dermatomes

c) Including neuropathies of any cause

d) Autonomic neuropathy

e) Mononeuropathy’s

f) Polyneuropathy’s

g) Bulbar palsy

h) MND

i) Cervical spondylosis

j) Neurofibromatosis

k) Syringomyelia

7. Seizure

a) Epilepsy

b) Convulsion

8. Speech and Language

9. Weakness and Fatigue

a) Cerebral artery territories

b) Upper motor neurone vs lower motor neurone

c) Muscle weakness grading

d) Cord compression

e) Transverse myelitis

f) Carcinomatosis

g) Meningitis

h) Guillain-barre

i) Cord infarction

j) Spinal artery thrombosis

k) Trauma

l) Dissecting aortic aneurism

m) Cauda equina lesions

n) Management of paralysed patient

o) Leg weakness (spastic paraparesis, flaccid paraparesis, unilateral foot drop, weak legs with no sensory loss, absent knee jerks and extensor plantars)

p) Recognition of different gait disorders

q) Stroke (mimics, risk factors, site of lesion, investigation management and treatment, rehabilitation, TIA, SAH)

r) Myopathy

s) Myaesthenia gravis


1. Urine Abnormalitis

a) Blood, protein, pH, volumes

b) Renal calculi

c) Renal tract obstruction

d) Retroperitoneal fibrosis

e) Glomerulonephritis

f) Nephrotic syndrome

g) Renal vein thrombosis

2. Renal Problems

a) Urinary tract imaging

b) Renal biopsy

c) Acute renal failure

d) Chronic renal failure, renal replacement therapy, renaltransplantation

e) Interstitial nephritis

f) Nephrotoxins

g) Renal vascular disease

h) Renal tubular disease

i) Inherited kidney diseases

j) Renal manifestations of systemic disease

k) UTIs, l) Haemolytic uremic syndrome,

m) Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

3. Urinary excretion

a) Oliguria and polyuria including renal failure;

b) urate

4. Urinary Symptons

a) Pyelonephritis

b) Acute and chronic urinary tract infection (UTI)

c) Frequency

d) Incontinence

e) Enuresis


1. Contraception

a) Oral contraceptive pill

b) Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCDs)

c) Implants

2. Fertility Problems

a) Both male and female;

b) including normal development in puberty

3. Normal Pregnancy and care

a) Including prenatal diagnosis

b) Role of folic acid

c) Risks to fetus including smoking, alcohol, food issues

4. Problems in Pregnancy

a) Including antepartum haemorrhage, postpartum haemorrhage and miscarriage

b) Ectopic pregnancy

c) Pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and hyperemesis

d) Thyroid disease in pregnancy e) Epilepsy f) Anticoagulation g) Prematurity

h) Low birth weight

5. Irregular vaginal bleeding

a) Including antepartum haemorrhage, postpartum haemorrhage and miscarriage

b) Ectopic pregnancy

c) Pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and hyperemesis

d) Thyroid disease in pregnancy

e) Epilepsy

f) Anticoagulation

g) Prematurity

h) Low birth weight

6. Pelvic mass

a) Including antepartum haemorrhage, postpartum haemorrhage and miscarriage

b) Ectopic pregnancy

c) Pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and hyperemesis

d) Thyroid disease in pregnancy

e) Epilepsy

f) AnticoagulationBreath

g) Prematurity

h) Low birth weight

7. Pelvic Pain

a) Endometriosis

b) PID

c) Dyspareunia

d) Renal disease in pregnancy

e) HTN in pregnancy

f) Cervical carcinoma

g) Endometrial carcinoma

h) Endometrial sampling in outpatients

i) Ovarian tumours

j) Ovarian carcinoma

k) Vaginal discharge

l) Pelvic infection

m) Contraception

n) Urinary malfunction

8. Vulval and vaginal lump/lesions


1. Breathlessness

a) Pulmonary fibrosis

b) Any infection, inflammation, including COPD, asthma, occupational lung disease, sleep apnoea and cyanosis

c) Respiratory system examination, age related changes, chest x-ray

d) Pneumonia including CURB 65

e) Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), acute respiratory distress syndrome

f) Respiratory failure

g) Pulmonary embolus

h) Pneumothorax

i) Pleural effusion

j) Extrinsic allergic alveolitis

k) Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis

l) Industrial dust diseases

m) Obstructive sleep apnoea

n) Cor pulmonale

o) Tests in chest medicine,

p) Pneumonia and specific pneumonias with causative agents,

q) Complications of pneumonia,

r) Lung tumors,

s) Asthma management,


2. Chest Pain

a) Including any pleuritic cause

b) Mesothelioma

c) Pneumothorax

3. Cough and Haemoptiasis

a) Cough and haemoptysis

b) Bronchiectasis

c) Cystic fibrosis

d) Fungi

e) Lung cancer

f) Sarcoidosis

4. Wheeze/ Stridor

a) Asthma – acute and chronic

b) Bronchodilators and steroids


1. Collapse

a) Subdural, extradural, intracerebral haemorrhage including subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH)

b) Hypertensive encephalopathy

c) Epilepsy

d) Addisonian crisis

e) Drug poisoning

f) Hypoglycaemia

g) Hyperglycaemia

h) Hypoxia

i) Hypothermia

j) Encephalopathy

2. Fever/Infection

a) Including pyrexia of unknown origin, septicaemia, meningitis and neutropaenic sepsis

b) Bacterial viral meningitis

c) Pneumonia

d) Acute severe asthma

e) PE

3. Multiple Trauma

a) Including head injury and intra-abdominal injury

4. Shock

a) Paracetamol overdose

b) Salicylate overdose

c) Any cause including blood loss

d) Acute myocardial infarction (MI)

e) Intra abdominal blood loss

f) Massive pulmonary embolus

g) Burns


1. Bites and Stings

a) Including infestations

b) Insect

c) Fish

d) Scorpion

e) Snake

f) Dog/cat bites

g) Human bite

h) Scabies

i) Lice

2. Bullous

a) Pemphigus

b) Pemphigoid

3. Dermatological manifestations of systemic disease

a) Endocrine

b) Cancer

c) Connective tissue

4. Extreme of Temperature

a) Burns,

b) frostbite,

c) hyperthermia

d) hypothermia

5. Itchy and/or scaly rashes

a) Excess hair

b) Hair loss

c) Nail changes in systemic diseases

d) Psoriasis

e) Fungal infections of nails

6. Hair and nail

a) Including eczema,

b) dermatoses (psoriasis etc.)

c) reactions (drugs/food)

7. Infections

a) Including viral,

b) bacterial infections

c) fungal infections

8. Lumps

a) Nodular lesions

b) Skin tumour

c) BCC

d) Ganglion

9. Moles and Pigmented lesions

a) Benign

b) Vitiligo

c) Malignant including melanoma

10. Ulcers

a) Arterial

b) Venous

c) Neuropathic

d) Malignant


1. Groin scrotal pain and or swelling

a) Torsion of testis

b) Hernias

c) Hydrocele

d) Tumour

e) Orchitis

f) Infection

2. Urinary tract obstruction

a) Calculus

b) Tumours (benign and malignant)

c) Strictures

d) Bladder neck obstruction

e) Enuresis


  • Hypercalcemia– esp. Types,causes,treatment.
  • Hypocalcaemia–causes,signsandsymptomsandtreatment(esp.initialtreatment)
  • Headache
  • Anaphylactic shock
  • Acute coronary syndrome with and without ST elevation,
  • Severe pulmonary oedema
  • Acute severe asthma
  • Acute exacerbation of COPD
  • Status epilepticus
  • DKA
  • Other diabetic emergencies
  • Some specific poisons and their antidotes
  • Salicylate poisoning
  • Paracetamol poisoning
  • Burns
  • Postpartum haemorrhage–types,causesandtreatment.
  • Statins – esp side effects
  • Post streptococcal glomerulonephritis
  • Pharyngeal pouch
  • CURB-65 scale– very very important!
  • Hiatus hernia.
  • Cancer oesophagus.
  • Impetigo.
  • Acute otitis externa.
  • Acute and chronic otitis media.
  • Tonsillitis,Indications for tonsillectomy and peritonsillar abscess
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Bronchiolitis–treatment part is very important
  • AU national newborn blood spot screening.
  • Wilms tumor
  • Polycystic kidney disease.
  • Acne vulgaris and rosasea– treatment,aggravating and relieving factors
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Nerve injuries in upper limb – all> median N, ulnar N, Radial N
  • Cutaneous nerve supply of Lower limb – all dermatomes are important
  • Cardiac enzymes and their applications
  • Endometrial cancer
  • Cervical cancer + papsmear – current guidelines
  • Breastcancer
  • Hirschprungs disease
  • Extrinsic allergic alvelolitis
  • Colorectal cancer – including screening programmes in AU
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Anti-phospholipid syndrome
  • Behcet’s disease,
  • Dresslers syndrome
  • Felty’s syndrome
  • Gilbert’s syndrome
  • GBS, Korsakoff’s syndrome
  • Loffler’s syndrome
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Raynaud’s syndrome
  • Stevens Johnson syndrome
  • Wegener’s granulomatosis
  • Wernicke’s encephalopathy
  • ITP
  • Achlasia
  • Supra ventricular tachycardia – esp WPW syndrome
  • NSAIDS–side effects/classification
  • Cancers of thyroid–esp papillary and anaplastic
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Acutecholecystitis
  • Intusussuception
  • Infant respiratory distress syndrome
  • Renal stones–types and managements more imp
  • Celiac disease–bothchildren and adults + examples of gluten free diet
  • Postpill amenorrhea
  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Treatment of constipation
  • Infertility–causes and management for both men and women
  • Vaccination schedule in AU
  • List of live vaccines – esp vaccines
  • Developmental milestones:very very important!!!!!!
  • Epiglottitis
  • Croup
  • Testicular cancer
  • Depression
  • Personality disorders
  • Tumor markers-very very imp
  • COC pills and contraindications
  • Suicide
  • Pneumonia in children,COPD pts etc
  • Cardiac tamponade
  • Marfans syndrome
  • Downs syndrome
  • Insulin and types + OHAs + treatment of diabetes–
  • Cauda equine syndrome
  • Migraine
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Vomiting in pregnancy-stages and treatment
  • List of AD/AR/XLD/XLR diseases
  • Costochondritis
  • Morphine dosing and converting doses like from oral to iv etc
  • GERD/Peptic ulcer/Hpylori/referral etc.
  • Anal fissure
  • Torsion of testes
  • Drugs that stain teeth–commonly asked
  • Treatment of menorrhagia/DUB–
  • Hypertension classification/treatment/malignant hypertension
  • Aceinhibitors–side effects asked – remember it causes hyperkalemia
  • Legionnaires disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Aplastic anaemia
  • Atrial fibrillation
  • Types and causes of neonatal jaundice + phototherapy
  • SDH/EDH/SAH-causes and diagnosis
  • Head injury–GCS/Indications for CT
  • Meningitis
  • Hypothyroid/hyperthyroid,thyroglossalcyst
  • Conns syndrome
  • Bladder cancer
  • Vaccine in splenectomy
  • Drugs causing impotence
  • Cong rubella synd
  • Measles
  • Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  • Urinary Incontinence-types and their treatment
  • 5th disease
  • Phenytoin/Anti psychotics/anti depressants/mood stabilizers–side effects and monitoring
  • PIH
  • GDM
  • Innocent murmurs
  • Crohn sds/Ulcerative colitis
  • Leukaemias
  • Abdominal aneursyms
  • Psychiatric screening tools
  • Heart blocks
  • Nephrotic synd/nephritic synd
  • DVT- diagnosis and prophylaxis
  • Asthma plus step wise approach in management
  • Paracetamol/ opiate/cocaine/salicylate poisoning/TCA
  • Physiological changes in pregnancy
  • Colles#
  • Irritable bowel disease
  • Multiple endocrine neoplasia
  • Acromegaly
  • Cushing synd and cushing disease
  • Normal pressure hydrocephalus
  • Renal artery stenosis
  • Retinal detachment
  • Fibroids and complications
  • Contraception – types,mechanism of their actions and side effects – very very important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BPH/ Prostate ca
  • Causes of dementia – esp alzhimers/vascular and lewy body
  • Undescended testes
  • Hemothroax/pneumothorax – causes and treatment – very very imp!!
  • Rashes in different types of illness among-
    measles/herpes simplex/ hand foot mouth/ molluscum contagiosum/ 5ht ds/rubella/roseola
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Steroids – side effects, ointment strengths
  • Infective endocarditis
  • Cystic hygroma
  • Cystic hydroma/dermoid cyst
  • Lambert eaton synd/ myasthenia gravis
  • Anti emetics drugs
  • Bisphos scores
  • WETFAG – google this mnemonic!!
  • Reactive arthritis
  • Chicken pox
  • Post op atelectasis
  • Anaphylaxisand treatment with adrenaline – for diff age groups
  • Wilsons disease
  • Hepatitis
  • Nasal polyps
  • Heamarthrosis
  • Epididymal cysts
  • Eosinophilia
  • Types of abortions – very very important
  • Acromegaly
  • Types of headache
  • HSP
  • HUS
  • Pulm embolism also wells criteria
  • Orbital floor #
  • Addisons disease – very very imp!
  • Acute coronary syndromes and its management
  • Hyper parathyroidism
  • Appendicitis in pregnancy
  • Ectopic pregnancy – very very imp!!
  • Psoriasis + psoriatic arthropathy
  • Haemorrhoids
  • CME retinitis
  • Gall stones – diagnosis and treatment
  • Pesudomemb colitis
  • Sheehans synd
  • Typhoid fever
  • Waterhouse freidricshen synd
  • Basal cell ca/sq cell ca – differntiating between both.. very very imp!
  • Warfarin monitoring
  • Ottawa knee rules
  • Hernias
  • Hydrocele/ undescended testes
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Hereditary spherocytosis
  • Pertusis
  • Digoxin toxicity
  • Ramsay hunt synd
  • Bells palsy – treatment
  • Chlamydia/candida/bact vaginosis/PID – also read aboutnational chlamydia screening programme
  • Mental health act
  • Presbycusis
  • Menieres disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Disufiram
  • Primary sclerosing cholangitis
  • Duodenal atresia/ pyloric stenosis – diagnosis
  • Hemochromatosis
  • Genital ulcers –differential diagnosis very very important!!!!
  • Conjuctivits – types and treatment
  • Cong syndromes – Williams, digeorge, patau, Edward, cotards
  • Drugs causing PNH
  • Treatment of hyperkalemia
  • Causes of sterile pyuria
  • Carcinoid
  • Amebic liver disease
  • HOCM
  • Cong dislocation of hip
  • Legg clavee perthes disease
  • Eczema – types and treatment
  • Pleural effusions
  • Somatization disorder/ hypochondriasis /munchausen synd/ malingering
  • Systemic sclerosis
  • Markers for various connective tissue diseases
  • Electrolyte abnormalities in various endocrine diseases
  • Treatment of post herpetic neuralgia
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
  • Diff between large and small bowel obst
  • Placental disorders – abruption/praevia/ vasa previa
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis/ HONK
  • Smoking cessation
  • Osteoarthritis – xray findings and diff it from RA
  • VBW diseases
  • Mesothelioma
  • GBS
  • Complications of MI
  • Hemorrhagic disease of the new born
  • Locating MI region on the basis of leads
  • Pulsus paradoxus – causes
  • Anti- D indications
  • Paralytic illues – causes and management- very very imp!
  • Asherman synd
  • Anorexia nervosa +bulimia nervosa– features/ grading/scoff questionnaire
  • Utricaria and calcaneal fracture
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Cong cmv infection
  • Prolactinomas
  • Asbestosis
  • Amenorrhea -primary and secondary
  • Diphtheria
  • Child abuse
  • Burns
  • Pan coast tumor
  • Gilbert syndrome
  • Pancreatitis – grading, causes and treatment
  • B12 deficiency
  • Tinea infection
  • Volvulus
  • Whiplash injury
  • Pel ebstien fever
  • Diabetes insipidus
  • Knee ligament – diagnostic tests
  • Fasciohumeral muscular dystrophy
  • Acute psychosis/mania
  • Schizophrenia
  • Epilepsy
  • Amourosis fugax
  • Necrotising enterocolitis
  • Cow milk allergy
  • Drugs causing gynecomastia
  • Pterygium
  • Syringomyelia
  • Histoplasmosis
  • Osgood schattlers disease
  • SIRS
  • Pelvic congestions syndrome
  • Drugs safe and contra indicated in pregnancy
  • Toxic megacolon
  • Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
  • Ototoxic drugs
  • Andenomyosis/endometriosis
  • Ovarian cancer
  • UTI
  • Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
  • Alopecia
  • Amyloidosis

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