Some countries are in the midst of a deadly fourth wave of COVID-19 and grappling with fresh outbreaks especially in the European country. In Australia, case numbers and deaths due to COVID-19 have decreased and stabilised since the peak of the Delta outbreak, and vaccine rates continue to climb. Australia border is reopening, it is indeed a good news to fellow IMGs who wish to pursue their dream here. But on the side note, as we are reopening to the world, should Australia be bracing for something akin to what’s currently happening in Europe?

A big thank you to those who had contributed in providing us with these recalls. Now let us do our part by solving these for you. You may get them from here.

Australian Medical Council (AMC) MCQ Recalls NOVEMBER 2021 compilation

1) A 5 years Child with nephrotic syndrome treated with steroid . Now he suddenly developed hypotension , diffuse abdominal pain .fever and vomiting for 1 week. What is the probable reason behind it?
A acute pancreatitis
B acute pyelonephritis
C renal artery stenosis
D Peritonitis
E hypovolumia

2) Prev history of 2 uneventful pregnancies ( thru IVF) now pregnant again at 38 weeks where to refer for mgt?
A Midwife ,
B consultant obs,
C birth assistant

3) Epigastric hernia sign, what will help in the dx?
A Cough impulse
B Leg raising

4) 40 years old male he counts three then he smoke and then he counts 3 times smoking, he says I take alcohol on weekends but for few days he didn’t take alcohol and have tremor in their hand now he is saying I have difficulty in sleep and low mood but no social- psychomotor issue , he is in good contact with you.
B Depression
C Adjustment disorder
D Acute stress reaction
E Generalisd anxiety disorder

5) Patient has distal muscle wasting , but leg and knee are hype reflex there is loss of ankle reflexes and foot drop how you will intersperse the spirometers —
A FEV1 increase and FVC decrease
B FEV1 decrease and FVC decrease
C FEV1 decreased and FVC Increase
D FEV1 increases and FVC Increased
E Normal FEV1 and FVC ratio.

6) A study to assess the association between L-tryptophan use & the development of Eosinophilia-Myalgia Syndrome. Patients with EMS were asked about the use of products containing L-tryptophan during the last 6 months. Those without EMS were randomly selected from the same population where the patients came from, and asked about their experience with L-tryptophan containing products within the last 6 months. Study showed L-tryptophan is significantly associated with EMS. Investigators most likely to report?
A Relative risk
B Median survival
C Exposure odds ratio

7) Breast ca q. 3cm ER +ve PR +ve her2 – multiple bony mets
A Ramoxifen
B Radio
C Mastectomy
D Transuzumab

8) aboriginal after MVA came admitted to the Hosp and saying I want to smoke so need a specific place and said I am the owner of this place and you should all respect my wish what you will do
A – inform to aboriginal liaise — not sure
B – inform to hosp authority
C provide him space for smoking
D say it’s not possible

9) 62-yr-old man developed left-sided weakness, numbness & speech is dysarthric with left facial droop. Has hypertension & type 2 diabetes mellitus. Glucose level 15, LDL 3.9 & noncontrast CT scan of the head reveals no abnormalities. Next step?
A Insulin infusion
B Intravenous alteplase

10) 60-yr-old woman had 2 falls over the last 2 mths. Notable for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Exam reveals diminished proprioception peripherally in the feet, decreased pain sensation in the feet & ankles, a hyperactive right knee jerk & an upgoing plantar reflex on the right side. Next step?
A MRI of the spine
B Nerve conduction studies

11) 52-yr-old woman undergoes laparoscopic cholecystectomy. 3 days later, she returns with persistent abdominal pain & nausea. Given FBC. X-ray reveals generalized distension of the small & large bowel, stool in the distal colon & intraperitoneal free air. Next step?
A Administer a rectal enema and obtain a repeat abdominal x-ray
B Admit for supportive care of postoperative ileus
C Obtain a CT scan of the abdomen with oral contrast

12) 9 year old MVA — there is some hematoma on forehead. Now observation in ER — father is insisting for d/c Despite consultation but he is not agree what would you do
A fill form Leave against medical advise before leaving
B mandatory reporting to child protection
C say come back another day
D ask the child he would go or not

13) Pseudomembranous colitis case already treated with oral metronidazole and vanco. Now presenting with abdominal cramps nausea and vomiting.
A Give iv vanco
B Probiotics
C Fecal flora implantation

14) Epiagstric hernia on lines Alba – wich content is most likely in the pouch
A stomach
B intestine
C omentum
D peritonium

15) a pic give there is lesion on leg father diagnosed with melanoma. Where the source of this lesion
A stomach
B Liver
C Intestine
D skin

16) 9 year old MVA — there is some hematoma on forehead. Now observation in ER — father is insisting for d/c Despite consultation but he is not agree what would you do
A fill form Leave against medical advise before leaving
B mandatory reporting to child protection
C say come back another
D ask the child he would go or not

17) 15-yr-old boy is brought with severe abdominal pain associated with frequent bilious emesis & unable to tolerate any oral intake. Emigrated from Indonesia 4 wks ago. X-ray shows small bowel dilation & air-fluid levels without pneumobilia. Etiology?
A Ascariasis
B Gallstone ileus

18) 32-yr-old nulliparous woman complains of heavy menstrual bleeding. Sexually active & uses condoms for contraception. Pelvic exam shows an enlarged, 10-week–sized uterus with multiple submucosal fibroids. Endometrium is thickened & has multiple fibroids. Next step?
A Uterine artery embolization
B Copper-containing intrauterine device
C Hysteroscopic myomectomy

19) Acl rupture , ant drawer positive, diagnosis ?

20) Nephro..5cm mass in kidney , what will you do?

21) 13-yr-old girl concerned with concentration difficulties at a new school, taking much longer to read through assignments & finish her homework. Patient is cooperative & friendly but sometimes fidgets in her seat. Most appropriate pharmacotherapy?
A Hydroxyzine
B Methylphenidate
C Sertraline

22) Stone in kidney 0.5cm . Mx

23) Ischemia warning sign

24) Indication of urgent embolectomy
Cold limb

25) Syphillis , aloplacia , asia trip , palm soles rashes tx

26) Chlaymadia , urethral discharge , dysuria frequency , inv?
Swab , urine culture,

27) Breast. Lump her2 positive , more than 2 places bony metastasis

28) 28-yr-old woman, gravida 3 para 2, at 30 weeks gestation in a motor vehicle collision. Underwear and pants fully soaked with blood, patient unsure if water has broke. 100 mL of blood is evacuated from the vagina & minimal active bleeding from the cervix is observed. Fetal heart monitoring shows a baseline of 140/min with minimal to moderate variability; there are no late or variable decelerations. Uterine contractions every 3 min. Next step?
A Emergency cesarean delivery
B Fetal biophysical profile
C Transfuse blood products

29) 27-yr-old man complains of malaise, anorexia & fatigue. Underwent a dental root canal procedure 4 wks ago. An early diastolic murmur is heard at the left sternal border. Urinalysis shows microscopic hematuria. Next step?
A Obtain antistreptolysin O titers
B Obtain bacterial blood cultures

30) 25-yr-old man complains of decreased force of the urinary stream & incomplete emptying of the bladder. Has no urgency, frequency, nocturia, dysuria, or fever. Urinalysis is normal. Postvoid residual volume is high. Cause?
A Abnormal detrusor overactivity
B Benign prostatic hyperplasia
C Urethral stricture

31) 33-yr-old woman complains of intermittent dizziness with symptoms of severe spinning sensation, intense nausea & hears a “mechanical humming” sound in her right ear. When a tuning fork is placed against her forehead, the sound is heard more prominently in the left ear. Cause?
A Benign tumor compressing a cranial nerve
B Central nervous system demyelination
C Elevated endolymphatic pressure

32) 5-yr-old girl with sickle cell disease is brought due to decreased energy & alertness. Faint scleral icterus & dry mucous membranes. Tachycardia with 2/6 systolic murmur at left sternal border. Abdominal tenderness & spleen is palpated 6 cm below the costal margin. Next step?
A Norepinephrine infusion
B Packed red blood cell transfusion

33) A 21-year-old woman comes fell at work 30 mins ago, sustain avulsed tooth. No other injury. The patient has the avulsed tooth with her in a tissue, and it appears intact. Which of the following is the best next step in management of this patient?
A Rinse the tooth gently with normal saline; reimplant and splint the tooth
B Rinse the tooth and socket gently with hydrogen peroxide; reimplant and splint the tooth
C Place the tooth in an ice-filled bag and advise follow-up with the dentist in 24-48 hours

34) 22-yr-old woman comes with a skin disorder. Has a 5-year history of patchy depigmentation primarily affecting the hands, feet & face. Some of her lesions have resolved, but overall experienced a slowly progressive course. Cause?
A Hashimoto thyroiditis
B HIV infection

35) Serum ca high ,urinary normal ca, bp normal
A Addison
B Primary hyper calcemia
C Paget disease
D Graves disease

36) Fine tremors on outstreched hand , tsh normal , palpatations , recently switched job , 2 cups coffee , whats the cause
A Inc caffiene
B Grave dis

37) Breast ca q. 3cm ER +ve PR +ve her2 – multiple bony mets
A Ramoxifen
B Radio
C Mastectomy
D Transuzumab

38) man came to your Gp practice with c/o insomnia and takes diazepam , he says he has depression for this he is taking diazepam and some time my girl friend also bring a diazepam for me so , I have some ongoing problem in the court and and some stressful life event as well so I have to get through it I know no timing mention in the scenario what’s your most likely diagnosis
A Acute stress reaction
B Depression
C Generalised anxiety disorder
D Adjustment disorder

39) Bells palsy with ear dis
Bells palsy – how to dx :
cant raise eyebrow

40) Prev history of 2 uneventful pregnancies ( thru IVF) now pregnant again at 38 weeks where to refer for mgt?
A Midwife
B Consultant obs
C birth assistant

41) 40 years old male he counts three then he smoke and then he counts 3 times smoking ,, he says I take alcohol on weekends but for few days he didn’t take alcohol and have tremor in their hand now he is saying I have difficulty in sleep and low mood but no social- psychomotor issue , he is in good contact with you.
B Depression
C Adjustment disorder
D Acute stress reaction
E Generalisd anxiety disorder

42) 34-yr-old woman comes with hemoptysis. Last 4 days had diarrhea, nausea & vomiting after eating in a new restaurant. Problems include HIV, heroin use & prior episode of cellulitis on the right arm. Has a 15-pack-yr smoking history. Breath sounds diminished at right lung base. Diagnosis?
A Bacterial pneumonia
B Lung cancer
C Pulmonary thromboembolism

43) 29-yr-old woman spilled hot coffee on her left forearm, was treated & discharged with analgesics & topical antibiotics. Returns 3 days later due to worsening pain & swelling of the left hand. Repeat exam shows previous burn injury healing with a circumferential eschar formation. Cause?
A Clostridial myonecrosis
B Inflammatory arthritis
C Vascular compromise

44) 36-yr-old woman woke up with left-sided facial droop. No facial numbness but noticed an increased sensitivity to noise. History of migraines, seasonal allergies & gestational diabetes. BMI 32. Loss of the left nasolabial fold, unable to raise left eyebrow or completely close left eye. Cause?
A Attack of migraine with brainstem aura
B Cerebral infarction involving the corticobulbar tract
C Neurotrophic, virus-induced nerve inflammation

45) 5-yr-old girl wets bed nightly for the past 2 wks. More thirsty than usual, urinates more often during day & had accidents at school. Positive for fatigue. A mth ago, the family moved to a new house. Weight dropped to 20th from 40th percentile. Mucous membranes dry. Diagnosis?
A Autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells
B Bacterial infection of the bladder

46) 62-yr-old woman unable to get out of bed this morning & has headache & nausea. History of migraine headaches & hypertension. 6 mths ago had transient right-sided vision loss. BMI 33 . Appears lethargic but follows simple commands. Next step?
A Anticoagulation
B Intravenous corticosteroids
C Surgery

47) 12-yr-old boy is brought for fever & progressively worsening pain behind his eyes that radiates to his right forehead. Exam shows copious green nasal discharge from the right naris, erythema along the posterior oropharynx with purulent drainage. Neurologic examination is nonfocal. Next step?
A CT scan of the head
B Lumbar puncture

48) 34-yr-old woman, gravida 1 para 1, experienced unpredictable bleeding since having a subdermal progestin implant placed & requests return to combined oral contraceptives(COC) method. Has primary hypertension with father & brother having type 2 diabetes mellitus. COC increases risk of?
A Breast fibroadenoma
B Endometrial cancer
C Worsening hypertension

49) 45 years old male say someone is crying ,, birds are flaying , Clouds give me a strength, I want to meet with the president – what’s the association
A Cirumciallity
B Teng
C Loos association
D Delusion

50) Aboriginal after MVA came admitted to the Hosp and saying I want to smoke so need a specific place and said I am the owner of this place and you should all respect my wish what you will do
A inform to aboriginal liaise — not sure
B inform to hosp authority
C provide him space for smoking
D say it’s not possible

51) Patient has distal muscle wasting , but leg and knee are hype reflex there is loss of ankle reflexes and foot drop how you will intersperse the spirometers — looks looks
A FEV1 increase and FVC decrease
B FEV1 decrease and FVC decrease
C FEV1 decreased and FVC Increase
D FEV1 increases and FVC Increased
E Normal FEV1 and FVC ratio.

52) 31-yr-old man is brought due to behaving bizarrely & hearing voices. Hospitalized for acute psychotic episode at age 27, successfully treated with haloperidol but discontinued after experiencing muscle spasms in his neck, restlessness. Has type 2 diabetes mellitus & seasonal allergies. Pharmacotherapy?
A Clozapine
B Fluphenazine
C Ziprasidone

53) 35-yr-old woman’s right breast shows 3×3-cm spiculated mass; Ultrasonography shows a hyperechoic mass. Core biopsy shows foamy macrophages & fat globules & the mass is excised with concordant pathologic findings. Paternal grandmother died at age 65 of breast cancer. Appropriate action?
A Axillary node dissection
B MRI of the breast
C Reassurance and routine follow-up

54) 3-yr-old boy is brought due to a rash near his buttocks. 2 fissures in the perianal region. Uses diapers at night. Last few days he has pain with bowel movements & blood on the toilet paper after wiping. His 8-year-old sister had pharyngitis a few wks ago but now recovered. Diagnosis?
A Candidal diaper dermatitis
B Irritant diaper dermatitis
C Perianal streptococcal dermatitis

55) 44-yr-old previously healthy man is brought due to confusion, unwell with headache, nausea & dizziness. Disoriented on the bed & also urinated on himself. Somnolent but rouses to voice. A small laceration on the lateral border of the tongue is present. Next step?
A Arterial blood gas co-oximetry
B Electroencephalogram

56) 43-yr-old man comes due to several wks of nagging, left-sided chest pain that worsens with deep inspiration. Had a progressive, nonproductive cough & mild dyspnea. Diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma in his early 20s & treated with chemotherapy & radiation. Cause?
A Aspergillus infection
B Lung cancer

57) A pic give there is lesion on leg father diagnosed with melanoma. Where the source of this lesion
A Stomach
B Liver
C Intestine
D skin

58) 60-yr-old woman comes for a breast cancer follow-up visit after a recent right mastectomy. Scheduled to begin a 5-yr course of adjuvant therapy with tamoxifen. Last menstrual period was 5 yrs ago. Father had myocardial infarction at age 65. Risk for developing due to tamoxifen therapy?
A Decreased bone density
B Dysplasia of the cervical transformation zone
C Hyperplasia of the endometrium

59) 19-yr-old woman comes for a routine health maintenance exam. Has coughing, wheezing & breathlessness following her twice-wkly workout sessions. Significant for allergic rhinitis & acne, for which she uses topical benzoyl peroxide & erythromycin cream. Appropriate pharmacotherapy?
A Inhaled albuterol 10 minutes before exercise
B Inhaled beclomethasone daily

60) 62-yr-old woman comes to follow up on elevated blood pressure. B/P 152/92 a mth ago; average B/P 148/88. Has osteoporosis & treated with vitamin D, calcium & alendronate. Today B/P 155/90 on the left arm & 150/90 on the right arm. Next step?
A Advise lifestyle modifications only
B Change alendronate to denosumab
C Start chlorthalidone

61) 76-yr-old man comes for follow-up 6 mths after coronary artery bypass surgery. Has hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus & gout. Medications include low-dose aspirin, metoprolol & rosuvastatin. 30-pack-yr smoking history but quit 5 yrs ago. Irregular pulse. Best management?
A Atrioventricular nodal slow pathway ablation
B Exercise stress testing
C Oral anticoagulant therapy

62) 3-mth-old girl undergoes flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy(FFL) for evaluation of squeaky noisy breathing. FFL shows that both nasal cavities are patent to the nasopharynx. Intermittent collapse of the arytenoid cartilages into the airway, which worsens during crying. Likely abnormal sounds?
A Biphasic stridor
B Expiratory stridor
C Inspiratory stridor

63) 42-yr-old man with Crohn disease had a partial ileal resection & multiple surgeries to treat an enterocutaneous fistula. Restarted oral feeding. Has patchy alopecia & a pustular, crusting skin rash with scaling & erythema around the mouth & on the extremities. Best choice?
A Elemental copper
B Gluten avoidance
C Zinc supplement

64) 14-yr-old boy developed intermittent right groin pain while playing soccer. Despite stretching exercises, the pain worsened. Mild atrophy of the right quadriceps & gluteal muscles is present. When he stands on the right leg, the left half of the pelvis drops downward. Next step?
A Bilateral hip x-rays
B MRI of the lumbosacral spine

65) Ctg 2 problems (just picture):
First one: 39 w, baseline 120bpm, no fetal movement, what will do?
A come back later

Second question: baby progress from 120 to 110, acceleration (120 to 150 on and off), low movement, low contraction a lot, baby is on transverse line. What will you do?
A cesarean
B aminiotomy

66) Labour – 2 stages: less then 2 cm open, head upper 1 cm

67) CXR – intestinal obstruction a lot; pharingeal pouch xray (QBank); consolidation picture (looks like pneumonia)

68) Uterine rupture amniotomy hb 9 FHR not heard:
A c-section
B amniotomy

69) olanzapine → weight elevated change to aripiprazole

70) nursing home – old lady thinks the nurse is putting worms in her dish. She stopped the drug for a while and now comeback the symptoms. What is the diagnosis?
A Schizo
B brief psycosis disorder.

71) Mom had suicidal problem – son thinks, what’s up to. Who are you going to consult?
A mom alone
B son alone
C mother and son

72) Drug overdose -> faint -> ED agitated and wake up in ED -> He wants to die. Apply for child custody, then he wants his wife to show he can do it. What will you do?
A notify police

73) Baby 3mo (or 3 weeks old), Apgar not good when born, FTT, has cianosis, murmur heard, cardiomegaly, liver palpable. What’s dx?
A cardiac failure
B no ToF or TGA in the options

74) Eye – 2 questions: First: mucopurulent – nasolacrimal duct discharge since 2 days from discharged. Second: the discharge is for 1 month now.

75) Parotid gland enlargement: in front of the ear, moving, no neurological deficit, no compromise.
A Pleomorphic adenoma

76) Tonic-clonic seizure, at hospital, recurrent seizure, O2 and mask given:
A Lateral position
B Bucal midazolan
C Iv diazepan
D IV Haloperidol
E IM diazepam

77) Breast cancer Rt all receptors present – 3 cm mass, estrogen recptor positive, all R/c (+). What initial management?
A Tamoxifen
B Mastectomy
C Radiation

78) 2-day-old term neonate is irritable, not sleeping well & had several episodes of vomiting & loose stools for the past day. The mother had poor prenatal care & pregnancy was complicated by fetal growth restriction. Diaphoretic, mild tremor, occasional sneezing & mildly tachypneic. Treatment?
A Caffeine
B Famotidine
C Morphine

79) 53-yr-old woman, gravida 2 para 2, complains of right-sided pelvic pain. Sexually active with a new partner & not using condom. Had a bilateral tubal ligation at age 35. US shows a 7-cm right ovarian mass with solid components, thick septations & peritoneal fluid. Cause?
A Abnormal proliferation of tubal epithelium
B Ascending infection from the cervix

80) 39-yr-old man is brought after immediately collapsing at the finish line when he completed a marathon. Although unable to stand or walk, the patient did not lose consciousness. History includes mild intermittent asthma. Cause?
A Acute severe asthma exacerbation
B Cardiac arrhythmia
C Exercise-associated postural hypotension

81) 56-yr-old obese man complains of acute-onset shortness of breath. Has type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, chronic kidney disease & right knee osteoarthritis. Medications include insulin, amlodipine & low-dose aspirin. Right upper-lobe perfusion defect with good ventilation. Treatment?
A Enoxaparin
B Fondaparinux
C Unfractionated heparin

82) 53-yr-old man comes with back pain after lifting a heavy box a day earlier. Palpation of the lower back reveals paravertebral tenderness on the left side at the L4 level; there is no tenderness to palpation over the spine. Recommended?
A I will now test your nerves and spinal cord, to confirm both are functioning normally.
B MRI can be very expensive and is unnecessary for you; it is better to try exercise and physical therapy instead.

83) 3-yr-old boy is brought due to increased tonic-clonic seizure frequency, despite multiple antiepileptic medications. Has developmental delay. Mild intellectual disability in his father. Multiple 1- to 2-cm hypopigmented macules on the trunk & lower extremities. Diagnosis?
A Cardiac rhabdomyoma
B Optic nerve glioma

84) 18-yr-old woman comes due to heavy vaginal bleeding with passage of clots. Grandmother was recently diagnosed with endometrial cancer. BMI is 44 . Undergoes emergency dilation & curettage & her vaginal bleeding resolves. Endometrial hyperplasia without atypia. Next step?
A Clomiphene citrate
B Endometrial ablation
C Progestin-releasing intrauterine device

85) Male old, waking up and fall down. BP elevated:
A ECG – 24h monitoring
B BP 24 hour monitoring

86) Rugby/footbal player, had an effusion. Anterior drawer test positive
A Meniscus tear
B ACL tear

87) Vertigo 3 days, no tinnitus, nystagmus positive náusea, no viral condition.
B Vestibular neuritis

88) ITP (2 questions – kid and adult) -> For kid: RBC+WBC are normal Low Platelets (7.000), rubbery LN. Most appropriate management?
A Chemo
B PLT transfusion
C No pred in option

89) You are a Register, and anaesthetist is always sleeping, you can’t find him when you need. Told consultant, it will be fine/ok, what will notify:
A Head of surgery
B Go to talk to him

90) Old female, epigastric pain, no lipase, no abnormality in US
A Duodenal Ulcer
B Esophagitis

91) Melena problems (Adult, Kids). in adult: no blood diarrhea.
A Celiac
B Chron

92) Child with diarrhea 3 questions. Toddler, Cow milk, Lactose intolerant

93) Aboriginal, 4th child, 3-4 year -> anal scoriation.

94) Tourette syndrome – only motor tics (only hand) – complex motor tics

95) Female, INR 7, warfarin overdose, no bleeding, no bruising, no symptoms. Management?
A Cease warfarin and observation
B Vit K and check INR daily

96) Child -> Like low Na+ only, all others normal, urine osmolarity also normal. What is dx?
A Dilutional hyponatremia

97) Hematuria, when sick girl and how to treat that? No UTI symptoms.

98) Protein 1+, all others good, in male middle age, What will you do next?
A Early Morning urine sample
B Urine creatinine ratio
C Dipstick test

99) Rheumato -> Stiffness of hand, give lots of drugs, GFR not good. What is the cause? (no prednisolone)
A Methotrexate
B Sulphasalazine
C Hydroxychloroquine
all options dmard drugs

100) Neonatal toxic enterocolitis

101) Female, ANA (+), AntiRo (+), La (+) – Sjogren. What will you give:
A Oral prednisolone
B Hydrochloroquine

102) Sjogren -> Dry eye and other symptoms. Dx?

103) Obs – 3 kids, fishclip, 5 days flooding, no F, fresh bleeding:
A Remove fish clip
B Mirena/IUD
C Hysterectomy
D Uterine artery embolisation

104) 60 yo, female -> come to see GP. Want to change her Will. Asking for advice how to change will from her GP:
A Advice her to talk with lawyer about change the will
B Advice her to give will to her children/nephew.
C MMSE assessment
D The GP can change the will

105) Melena, ulcer present, blood transfusion given, no improvement, What will you do?
A Capsule endoscopy
B CT angio
C Colonoscopy

106) Hernia questions (Kid, adult). In child: episode swelling on the right side, apermatic chord is ticker. The doctor cant find anything. Diagnosis?
A Undescended testis
B Hernia
C Hydrocele

107) Adult: dragging sensation, pain is present, Dx Varicocel. Investigation?

108) Headache: in day time, no other symptoms. But family history of father with brain tumour. // Brother has smt in the brain (but not tu). Asking the investigation for her:

109) Dysphagia (+), Sx before, hoarseness after surgery. Affect laryngeal nerve, but in thoracic inlet there is a mass. Dx?
A Esophageal cancer

110) Intestinal obstruction – X ray given: cecum 11 cm, sigmoid colon has stricture. What will you do?
A Sigmoidectomy
B Colostomy

111) COVID vaccine question. SARS-COVID 1. After first dose, got a headache. What will you test?
A Thrombo something + D-dimer
B Antithrombin

112) 30 + weeks, she called the Dr. with abdominal pain, and when she needed to come to hospital urgently?
A Contraction 30 sec, every 8 min
B Meconiun stained coming out
C Blood stain coming out

113) Immunisation in aborigenal, 4yo, vaccination up to date. What will you give?
A Hep A

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